MindMotion Microelectronics

MindMotion Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (NEEQ: 833488) is a leading domestic solution provider in both MCU design and application field. Since March 2011, MindMotion has successfully designed and promoted hundreds of MCU products. The following series of MindMotion MCU products, based on ARM Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M3 core, is available in both batch and sample supplies. The MM32F is designed for general purpose and high performance market, as the MM32L falls in ultra-low power and high safty applications field, the MM32W is designed for multiple wireless connectivity. MM32SPIN is designed for motor drive and control, the MM32P is One-Time-Programable products . The MindMotion products and solutions are widely used in industrial control systems, smart homes, wearable applications, automotive electronics, instrumentations, and many other fields.

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